— It’s not always cold in hospital rooms. Wear layers.
–You can’t pick food off the tray. The nurses are taking notice of what the patient is eating. Oops!
–As bad as our situation might seem to us, there are usually a dozen worse. So many hurting people. So many prayers needed. So many nice people.
Here’s the update on my dad: he has a blocked kidney. We’re waiting to hear back on the C-T scan and what the blockage could be. Probably cancer considering his history. My parents will have to make some big decisions, so prayers for them during this time and as we try to support and encourage them through this difficult time. Thanks for all your prayers.
I did visit Leanna’s site. She has some fun things there. She even mentioned your contest here and the funny photo with the butterfly on her head. 🙂 She also had some sad news that her father’s illness has put him back in the hospital. I wish them all the best.
Leanna, my mother had similar experience with this, and I’m familiar with your fears. You can bet I’ll be praying for your dad, your sweet mom, and you. Please keep us updated.
Grace to you and peace in His name,
Linda Yezak