Category Archives: valleys

Crying in the Valley

Life is a series of peaks and valleys. Tonight, watching the Olympics, I saw three ice dancing couples reach a mountain peak of success as they won gold, silver, and bronze medals–life long dreams. All of us have those mountain peak experiences. But they are momentary and infrequent. Think of how many days and weeks and months and years those ice dancers worked and struggled on their way to that mountain peak. The fact is, most of living is done in the valley. I love this verse from Ps. 104: 18 “The high mountains are for the wild goats.” Sounds like it’s not where we do the majority of our living, right? So we live in the valleys. Now that doesn’t mean it has to be depressing but it can be a struggle as he attempt to climb a mountain. What’s your mountain? Raising kids? Work? Writing? Homeschooling? Teaching? Going for an Olympic gold? Whatever it is, I know there is a struggle. There are days that are difficult. I had one of those today. One of those where you don’t seem to have gotten very far in your journey. One of those days when you look up, squint against the bright sun, feel the perspiration on your forehead, feel your muscles ache. One of those days when you just want to give up.

I felt that tonight as I crawled into bed. And I heard God whisper in that quiet voice of His that only His children hear…”Read My word.” So I crawled back out of bed and climbed the stairs to our guest bedroom where I like to have my quiet times. God met me there, listened to my complaints and struggles and tears. He led me to Ps. 104:10 “He sends forth springs in the valleys…” That’s what I needed–to refresh my soul with Living Water…His word. So I drank deep of His word. Only His word satisfies, restores and quenches the thirst in the spirit.

All of Ps. 104 is beautiful. Read it. I did. Several times. And then reach Ps. 104:27 “They all wait for You to give them their food in due season.” It occurred to me that it takes patience to wait for the right season. How many of us are aching for spring to be finished with all this snow? In due season, right? So if you’re in that valley…waiting…hurting…drink of the Living Water. Drink Deep. Drink often. Your season will come.