Category Archives: commitment

Got a dream? Part 4

So far, we’ve discussed the three things it takes to pursue your dream. 1. Decide. 2. Commit. 3. Discipline. What’s next? Well, brace yourself. If I didn’t scare you off yesterday then I might today.

Number four is: sacrifice. I already see you cringing. I know, I know. No one wants to even hear that word: sacrifice. Today, we like easy, comfort, instant, drive-thrus. We don’t like to wait and we don’t want to have to give up anything. We like to eat our cake and have it too. Well, if you’re going to reach for a dream, sacrifice is demanded.

There will be things you have to give up. For me, when I first decided and committed to becoming a writer, I sacrificed a lot financially. A decent paying job for one. Teaching won’t make you rich, but it will pay the bills. Without that teaching job, I had to figure out a way that I could pay bills and live and eat. But I didn’t eat at fancy restaurants. I clipped coupons. I didn’t go shopping. Yep, and for me that was a HUGE sacrifice. I didn’t get to see my friends as much. Still don’t. I have deadlines. When my kids were little, other moms were calling their friends during naptime and catching up, but I was writing so I could meet deadlines. Neither is right or wrong. But chatting with friends would not have gotten a book written and my dream was writing. Olympic athletes give up a lot to reach for their dreams. They wake up early and work hard. Some go to school part time or homeschool. Therefore, they often give up Friday nights at football games and prom. They give up hanging out with friends and eating fattening desserts. So before making that decision and commitment, figure out what you are going to have to sacrifice.

What is your sacrifice? Is the payoff worth it?

Got a dream?

(This is a continuation of yesterday’s post: What it takes to go for your dreams)

So you’ve made a decision, right? You’re going to pursue your dream. Or you’re going to find out what that dream is. It all starts with a decision.

But what’s next? So you’re sitting on the couch, checking email, maybe googling how to climb Mt. Everest or where to find local writers groups. But what next? What to do? Don’t get up from the couch just yet. The next thing you need to do is make a commitment.

Yes, I know, you said you made a decision. Yay! That’s great! That’s the first step. But frankly, millions of folks decide on New Year’s Resolutions every January, but it takes more than a decision. It takes a commitment.

You have to push beyond all the questions and doubts and fears. Those are roadblocks that are going to immediately pop up in your path. Here’s a decision I often make: I’m going to get up at five a.m. and write. That is a sure-fire guarantee that one of my kids is going to wake up sick in the night or the cat is going to wake me. If you make a decision, a roadblock is going to immediately pop up and block your way. What are you going to do? Sleep in? Get up anyway? Commitment will get you out of bed when the alarm goes off and you’re muzzy headed and bleary eyed.

Or maybe you have different roadblocks. Maybe your mother just called as if she instinctively knew you made a decision to chase down that ridiculous dream you’ve talked about on and off since you were six. And she sets you straight. “You,” she says, “have responsibilities. You don’t have time to go chase a dream. Forget it. Be responsible.” Maybe pursuing your dream is being responsible to your Maker who planted that dream in your heart.

Or maybe as soon as you made the decision that little voice inside you started talking. Come on, you know the voice. It says, “Who do you think you are? You’re no (fill in the blank—writer, doctor, mountain climber, etc…). You’re too (fill in the blank—stupid, lazy, broke, etc…) to do that!” Don’t listen. Plug your ears, sing, “lalalala” and ignore that voice. It’s been telling you what to do for way too long.

Or maybe you mention your decision to your husband/boyfriend/significant other/best friend and they give you that look. You know, the look that says that’s ridiculous. S/he doesn’t have to say it but you know what s/he’s thinking, “Here goes another hair-brained idea.” Or maybe, “We can’t afford that!” Well, I can’t tell you what to do about your relationships but relationships should be supportive and encouraging. Or maybe that person laughs at your dream. Really, are you going to listen to that person? They’re probably too scared to pursue their own dreams.

Back to the commitment. This is a solemn commitment to yourself as sacred as a marriage vow that you are going to devote time, resources (including money), and courage to pursuing this dream. It’s not for Mom or Dad, hubby or kids, or best friend or worst enemy. This commitment is for you. If you’re a believer then make the commitment to God. I believe God planted that dream in your heart, so give it to Him, commit to follow that dream wholeheartedly. When I decided to write, I quit teaching. Not in the middle of the year. I fulfilled my contract. But I knew I had to commit fully to my dream of writing. Not everyone needs to take that drastic of a step, and you obviously have to figure out a way to feed yourself and live, but I made that commitment. And no, I didn’t have a husband to depend on to make the money for food and housing. I figured out a way to make it work.
Taking that step, I knew there was no going back. So, are you ready to make that commitment? If not, what’s holding you back?

Make a comment and you’ll be entered for a drawing at the end of the week for a free book!