Romance Writers of America

RWA is the first national writers group I ever belonged to. It’s a great group that really helps teach the next generation of writers about craft and the business. It’s been a couple of years since I’ve been able to attend RWA, but next week I’m winging it to Washington, D.C. for the national conference. If you’re a budding romance writer or an established one, it is the place to be. I’m excited because I have several friends up for the RITA award and also my critique buddy is up for a Golden Heart award. So I’ll be ready to cheer them on Saturday night. A friend of mine and I are also speaking at the conference about making the leap into inspirational fiction. I’m looking forward to that. Seeing old friends and meeting with my agent will also be highlights, but I’m also hoping to catch a few sights of the city. I haven’t been to DC in several years, and there is so much to see! But if I don’t see much, that’s okay, I’ll be back in a few weeks with the family to enjoy all the sights.

If you’re in the DC area on July 15th, come see me at the RWA booksigning, featuring 500 authors. It’s at the Marriott Wardman Park from 5:30 to 7:30pm.

2 thoughts on “Romance Writers of America

  1. Terra

    I will look for your post here upon your return from RWA.
    That sounds like an exciting trip for you to take and I like the sound of “quirky women’s fiction” in your blog bio.
    Your books sound like my cup of tea.


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