Category Archives: Amish Country

Whole Lotta Gruntin’ Goin’ On!

Shelley Shepard Gray saw them first! She said, “Look at the piglets!” So I looked and I saw this gigantic sow waddling along this fence line. “Uh, Shelley, that’s one big–” And then I saw the two little piglets tumbling over each other and racing through the grass. But along with the two piglets were some mighty big pigs. And they were gruntin’ and squealin’ at each other. When we approached the fence, they really wanted to rub up against us but thankfully the fence prevented that. But aren’t they cute? They sure had some long eyelashes!

Amish Country in Ohio

I was in the southern part of Ohio, right on the edge of the Appalachians. Gorgeous country with rolling hills and ravines and creeks and all sorts of interesting topography, which in a way could be pretty creepy in a Sleepy Hollow kind of way. It really got my writer brain in high gear!

Before I went, I knew we were staying at Murphin Ridge Inn, so I looked it up and these trees and chairs were on the website and I knew I had to sit in those chairs. So I did. This is my fabulous hostess and friend, Shelley Shepard Gray, who is a New York Times best selling author of Amish fiction. We tried to find the pumpkin cannon, because I soooo wanted to try it, but alas I think they only had it on the weekends. Think I could do that in my backyard?