Speaking of…reaching for your dreams!

As I’ve mentioned before, my kids are big dreamers. I’ve encouraged them to chase after their dreams. This week brought about some very interesting developments for my daughter. She’s a singer, dancer, actor. Recently, we saw a posting for an audition for a remake of ANNIE on Broadway. So we sent in a homemade video. Well, last week, we received a call from the casting company, complimenting Caroline, and asking if she’d like to be interviewed by the New York Times for an article on the online submission process. We agreed. We were interviewed by a New York Times reporter, who by the way was very nice. They even sent a photographer to snap her picture. So today, the article came out!

Here’s a link:


Strange things happen when you reach for your dreams. You never know the twists and turns your journey will take.



10 thoughts on “Speaking of…reaching for your dreams!

  1. Judy

    Hi Leanna,

    Will you ever be doing book tours in Indiana? We don’t have too many in our area. I love meeting authors of the books I’ve read. You are a new author to me and I’m looking forward to reading your book, “Plain Fear: Forsaken”. This sounds like such a good read.


  2. Leanna Ellis

    Hi, Judy! I would LOVE to do a book signing tour in Indiana! But alas I don’t have one planned at the moment. Maybe one day! I did get to visit Indianapolis last year for a writer’s conference and had a lovely time! Thanks for your interest and enthusiasm for Forsaken! Hope you enjoy!



  3. Edna

    Leanna I love your books and saw on Face Book where you are giving away a copy of your newest book, I have not entered anything for a while but I would love this book.

    May God bless
    and in South Carolina we have been have some very hot weather also, our tomatos are cooking on the vines

    mamat2730 at charter dot net

  4. Nancye

    I love your books and I am very excited about your newest book, Forsaken. I read on your newsletter that you are giving one away. I would LOVE to win a copy! Thanks for the chance!

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net


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