The Big O

Oprahgate is in the news apparently. Drudge reported her staff was divided about having Sarah Palin on her show. Oprah came out and said that was untrue. She would not have Sarah Palin on before the election because she didn’t want to make her show political since she’d already stated how she felt in this election. She said Sarah Palin would be an interesting interview but after the election.

Now, I don’t watch Oprah very often, but only occasionally if she has an interesting guest and if I happen to know about it. So what do you think? Should she interview this momma, gun-totin’, VP pick?

By the way, just as an aside, she did have Senator Obama on her show.

Now tell me what you think!

3 thoughts on “The Big O

  1. Stacey

    Oprahgate…you’re too funny, Leanna! Well, Oprah does openly support Obama, so I suppose it’s her choice if she wants to give him free publicity. But I would prefer that she admit that rather than trying to claim that she doesn’t want to make her show political. I lost a lot of respect for her because of this.

  2. Leanna

    Hi, Stacey! I totally agree. Quit the posturing and speak the truth! I think this election is really beginning to show the hidden agendas of so many in the public arena. Very interesting to watch.

  3. Kiy

    Well, I beg to differ.

    It’s her show–and, her choice:)

    In all honesty, I think that Oprah knows that with her power– remember the beef incident–that at this point in the election, she would probably sway the election. When Obama was on, it was early in the election, when the election was any body’s take. At this point, it’s just too close.

    Just my 33cents:)



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