These are my buddies, Paula and Pat.
I met Paula 10 years ago when I began teaching a writing class at a senior center near my house. She messed up my class. You see, I’d planned a short talk for each one, then wanted the students to spend the rest of the hour writing. Paula walked in using her cane and my plans flew out the window. I laugh now because I am so grateful I met her.
Paula told me once that she lost her sight and her husband on the same day. She had not realized how much she depended on her husband until he died. She had a degenerative disease which stole her sight. But that did not stop this woman that I so admire.
When I met her she was 72. She was taking aerobics classes weekly. She lived alone. She was happy and joyful. Nothing got her down. She is the epitome of ‘if there is a will, there is a way.’ She even tackled learning how to work a computer and began writing books.
I’m not sure how much I taught them, probably not much, but these women taught me much about life. They shared their lives, their hopes and dreams, their failures and difficulties. I am so glad they are my friends.
Who do you admire?
Your Paula reminds me so much of a dear friend I lost this past year. I miss her so.
If she can write, then maybe there is hope for me after all. If I ever get this shoe cast boot off that is.
Anyway I enjoyed your website. God Bless. Happy New Year and the best one yet I hope.
There is always hope! Hope to see your friend again in heaven one day. Remember, God doesn’t want a perfect vessel, a perfect writer, he wants a willing spirit.
I have my own Paula to admire! She’s a godly, determined, missionary to Africa–primarily to troubled Zimbabwe. She’s recently taken me on two of her seven trips and is responsible for planting seeds that have sprung into some 3,000 Christians and 30 church plants in one small region. And all after she turned 60. But I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention her husband, Lynn, who loves those people as much as she does and has sacrificed a lot to join her on all but one trip.