Impossible gifts

When my son was three years old, he wanted Superman underwear from Santa. Okidoke. Well, that should be simple. It wasn’t. There was Spiderman and Batman and Ninja Turtles galore, but NO Superman underwear. So I bought plain underwear and iron on Superman insignias, and with Gramma’s help we ironed the big S on the back side of underwear and put it in his stocking.

But that wasn’t all he wanted that year. My son also asked for a remote control tornado. That gave us pause. In case you don’t know the toy market, these are not available. I did find a tornado in a little bottle. When you shake the bottle in a rotating fashion, a tornado appears. Not quite the same but that was the best I could do.

But today, I was reading in my bible study about how Joshua was battling an army. He looked up and he asked in the name of his Lord God for the sun to stop so they’d have more daylight hours for victory. The sun stopped.

You see, God can do the impossible. And He loves us to ask the impossible.

Not too terribly long ago, I was praying to sell a wacky story about a woman and an Elvis bust. Well, here’s proof positive that God does big things.

I found Elvis Takes a Back Seat on the bookshelf at my local Barnes and Noble this weekend. God can do BIG things in your life. Just ask Him.

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