I don’t mean a goblin or ghoul. My 9 year old son has always had a creative bent. Of course, he’s grown up around me, watching me write books, send out proposals, cry when something was rejected, cheer when something sold. He’s seen my books on the bookshelf in my office and seen foreign copies arrive in the mail from my publisher. We’ve always read, read, read books from day one. I took The Grinch Who Stole Christmas to the hospital with me so I could read to him when he arrived. So he’s been surrounded by books hiw whole life. For a long while, he wanted to be a director of movies. And he probably still does. But at the moment, he’s busy writing stories. Story after story, page after page. He jumped in the car after school yesterday and said, “Mom! Guess what? I’m writing a new story.” Then he babbled on about it for the next ten minutes until my head was spinning. Suddenly it got quiet in the back seat. He was busy writing. He’s forgetting about doing his chores, because he’s busy writing. Part of me wants to discipline him for that. And the writer part of me cheers him on! He gets up in the morning and the first thing he does is start writing. I should take a lesson from him on that! So, I’ve created a writing monster. And I love it!
I’ve created a monster!
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