My daughter is almost 8 and she loves music. She has varied tastes, very eclectic so far but with a bent toward rock. I like to get music that she and I can dance around to. We’ve bebopped to Elvis and Johnny Cash, U2 and Grease.
Often she’ll tell me not to sing! LOL! Okay, singing is not my gift. After hearing Sandy Patti at the Women of Faith conference, I’m hoping when I get a new body in heaven that means I’ll have new pipes so I can belt out praise songs!
I bought a cd of Nicole C. Mullins with some of my favorite songs: When I call on Jesus, Victory, Talk about It. My daughter and I rocked out in the car to these songs and had such a good time. Now, we’re fixing dinner or breakfast or lunch to these songs, just dancing around the kitchen, rockin’ out to Jesus music. Aint’ it grand!